Seth Leibsohn: The Truth About "Sanctuary Cities"
The House Judiciary Committee just held hearings on so-called “Sanctuary Cities,” bringing in various mayors trying to justify their policies
I say “so-called sanctuary cities” because that is the Orwellian term for what should be called “nullification cities.” These mayors are nullifying federal law. Liberals used to oppose such doctrines in the name of protecting all of our civil rights—recall Martin Luther King specifically denouncing Alabama Governor George Wallace in his “I Have a Dream” speech for exactly that. In our republican form of government, localities don’t get to veto federal law, not on behalf of racial segregation and not on behalf of illegal immigrants thwarting the law. James Madison called this “a fatal inlet of anarchy.”
Mayors deciding which federal laws to enforce, and which to stymie, is just that: anarchy.
If they don’t like the federal law, their duty is to try and change it, not stand in the way of enforcing it. These mayors are not heroes, they are anarchists proving to be little more than a law unto themselves.
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